The constant change, sometimes unwarranted, often attributed to age. Young people are easily bored, or not sufficiently stimulated to take root in a position.
According to the expert Roberto Esparza, there are two types of "job jumpers" labor: positive and negative. The first, he says, are irresponsible for seeking no profit, professional or economic improvement. The second in his opinion, can not see the results of their decisions, because of instability in industrial areas and are always bad candidates.
Any change involves a preliminary analysis to know the pros and cons. Consider that the most important thing is to define why and what you want to get a new job.
Humans can find our place, and how to materialize our dreams, although this will depend on many factors. The most important is the final decision to be oneself, to bring ideas to the end and know the time to stay in a job or go in search of other, with reasonable justification. Something easy, but not impossible.